A training in inclusivity

During the days from the 4th to the 7th of july a group of about 20 different volunteers attended the ESC on-arrival training course, organized by the Ser Joven association, among them was us, the 3 ESFMB volunteers.
We had the opportunity to meet (online) a whole bunch of new and interesting people and also to learn more about not only the volunteering world but also about ourselves.
But let’s take a step back..
Before the actual start of the course we did a brief interview with Una, one of the organizers. The purpose of this was of course to meet and get to know us better, but also to check on our Spanish level in order to see if we fitted better in the advanced or beginners class, all in all was a nice and smooth interview.
Then the time came to actually start the training.
In the beginning of the day, and everyday after, we did an energizer to dissolve the visible tension and initial awkwardness that also served as a way to introduce ourselves to the group.
It was pretty much all downhill from there, we did different activities, even separated in smaller groups so that we could share our own experiences and learn from each other. 
It was truly a great way to feel seen and heard, both from the organizers like Sergio or Una, and from our fellow volunteers since we are all experiencing something similar. Even If it would have been better in real life, all things considered I’m confident in saying that this course definitely left me changed for the better and even more curious of what will happen next.

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